About Us
After more than ten years, the laughter…just keeps coming.The Great American Comedy Festival remains committed to:
The idea for a comedy festival to honor Johnny Carson started with an editorial in the Norfolk Daily News written by Kent Warneke. The reaction to the editorial was so positive that an exploratory committee was formed, and the rest is history. Warneke served as the festival’s chairman for its first seven years and on its board for the first 10 years. The festival was greatly helped in its first decade by its two executive directors, Lora Young and Lori Williams, who were crucial to the event’s success. The committee has now been passed along to a new generation of members that are dedicated toward continuing the annual success our Festival's forefathers worked so hard to achieve.
Who helps make the festival possible? Where to begin?
How about in recognizing:
The support of the Johnny Carson Foundation. We are honored to carry on his tradition of comedy and magic in his childhood community.
The festival planning committee, which is made up of festival committee led by Executive Director, Lisa Wattier and Board President, Austen Hagood. This year's vice President is Chase Pflueger, Secretary is Jean Hopkins and Treasurer, Anne Pruss rounds out the 2018-19 Executive Board.
Festival Board Members include: Liz Wallace, Lonn Atwood, Denice Hansen, Linda Libengood, Jim McKenzie, David Shipley, and Susan Staub.
Festival Committee members include: Stephanie Brogan, Chuck Frohberg, Timothy Miller, Rachel Reiser, Samantha Wolfe, Sue Fuchtman, Janelle Gerharter, Jen Hamilton, Traci Jeffrey, Ashley Kingham, Judy Kollmar, Ruthie Kollmar, and Kristen Ohnoutka.
All of the many companies and individuals who financially supported the festival. “None of this would be possible without them,” said Kent Warneke, the festival’s founding father.
And all those who have bought tickets and support the festival in that way, we could not do it without you!
- Paying tribute to the legacy of Johnny Carson
- Bringing world-class entertainment to Norfolk
- Making Norfolk the place to be each June for comedy
The idea for a comedy festival to honor Johnny Carson started with an editorial in the Norfolk Daily News written by Kent Warneke. The reaction to the editorial was so positive that an exploratory committee was formed, and the rest is history. Warneke served as the festival’s chairman for its first seven years and on its board for the first 10 years. The festival was greatly helped in its first decade by its two executive directors, Lora Young and Lori Williams, who were crucial to the event’s success. The committee has now been passed along to a new generation of members that are dedicated toward continuing the annual success our Festival's forefathers worked so hard to achieve.
Who helps make the festival possible? Where to begin?
How about in recognizing:
The support of the Johnny Carson Foundation. We are honored to carry on his tradition of comedy and magic in his childhood community.
The festival planning committee, which is made up of festival committee led by Executive Director, Lisa Wattier and Board President, Austen Hagood. This year's vice President is Chase Pflueger, Secretary is Jean Hopkins and Treasurer, Anne Pruss rounds out the 2018-19 Executive Board.
Festival Board Members include: Liz Wallace, Lonn Atwood, Denice Hansen, Linda Libengood, Jim McKenzie, David Shipley, and Susan Staub.
Festival Committee members include: Stephanie Brogan, Chuck Frohberg, Timothy Miller, Rachel Reiser, Samantha Wolfe, Sue Fuchtman, Janelle Gerharter, Jen Hamilton, Traci Jeffrey, Ashley Kingham, Judy Kollmar, Ruthie Kollmar, and Kristen Ohnoutka.
All of the many companies and individuals who financially supported the festival. “None of this would be possible without them,” said Kent Warneke, the festival’s founding father.
And all those who have bought tickets and support the festival in that way, we could not do it without you!